Consulting Services
"We offer a wide range of
independent consulting services for
planning, designing, implementing and analyzing / troubleshooting
mobile devices and wireless network systems
for many
industries, such as hospitals,
warehouses, airports and municipalities."
Jim Geier - Principal Consultant and Founder -
Wireless-Nets, Ltd.
Management Consulting
- Services assisting managers considering or planning the
deployment of applications and systems that make use of network
infrastructure. More...
Product Development Services
- Services assisting product manufacturers
with development of mobile / wireless devices, integration of
embedded wireless network interfaces into products and systems,
implementation of wireless communications
devices, and development of wireless applications.
System Implementation Services
- Services assisting IT departments and system integrators
with planning, designing, reengineering, installing, and testing mobile devices and wireless networks.
Troubleshooting /
Problem Resolution Services
- Services assisting product manufactures,
IT departments and system integrators with determining the root
causes of problems associated with wireless networks and
recommending applicable fixes / resolutions.
Training Services
- Onsite and online workshops that prepare
wireless professionals for developing, implementing and
troubleshooting mobile devices and wireless networks.
Expert Witness Services
- Services assisting product manufacturers
and law firms involved with patent litigation with analyzing
product infringement / noninfringement and patent validity /
invalidity. More...